Monday, May 31, 2010

Beautiful Images Prevailing Today Are Mostly Invalid

Everybody likes beautiful pictures, models, etc., but not many people ask why. Even less people believe that they are a kind of image code of our physiology.

Actually, it is very easy to answer this question and to know that it indeed is a kind of physiological code, if we can spare some time to think it over by means of our everyday common sense.

Physiological Code

All kinds of beauty make us happy. We instinctively feel happy because they tell us that things are a step better for our propagation of offspring or keeping our DNA alive. (Re #1, 4)

Therefore, the image beauty means that the object or thing, that is good for our propagation of offspring or keeping DNA alive.

Hence, a beautiful or ugly image is actually a physiological code which means here is a good or bad thing for keeping our DNA alive. Just as similar as that music is our physiological code, too. (Re #6)

Invalid Beauty

However, today many beautiful images are just for curiosity and blind competition, which, in most cases, can not give us anything essentially good for keeping our DNA alive except the wrong physiological codes. Such kind of image is instinctively invalid. (RE #5)

For example, the famous paintings, jewelry, formative arts, etc.

Harmfulness of Invalid Beauty

To engage in this kind of activities can surely give us some invalid happiness; however for which not only waste we our personal money and time, but also we make large amount of pollutants and spend our limited resources of our unique globe. This way will certainly contribute considerably to making our offspring survive very difficultly in the future not long.

Of course, no body likes to do that if he or she understands this. (Re #5)


Invalid image beauty should be despised.

References: #1. W. Ying,, "Happy Life, Instincts, Wisdom, and Human Computer System." #2. ibid, "Valid Happiness, Instinct and Wisdom." #3. ibid, " Competing Instinct-Blindly or Instinct-Wisely?" #4. ibid, " Sense of Beauty, Valid or Not?" #5. ibid, " Happy Life Needs Optimal Points for Everything." #6. ibid, " Music Is a Kind of Acoustic Code of Physiology."

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